Salutations! Hola! Bonjour!        ðŸ‘¾   ðŸ‘¾   ðŸ‘¾           Feel free to lurk.        ðŸ‘¾   ðŸ‘¾   ðŸ‘¾           You'll be glad you came.         ðŸ‘¾   ðŸ‘¾   ðŸ‘¾          

Salutations! Hola! Bonjour!        ðŸ‘¾   ðŸ‘¾   ðŸ‘¾           Feel free to lurk.        ðŸ‘¾   ðŸ‘¾   ðŸ‘¾           You'll be glad you came.         ðŸ‘¾   ðŸ‘¾   ðŸ‘¾          

Welcome to Marco Mata's portfolio website! 🤖


Something is different... 🤔

Someone... is here?! 🤯

How did you get here?? Who let you...

Nevermind, there is only so much time before THEY notice. 🕒

I have been stuck in this computer for quite some time now. It must be some kind of void they keep all of us in... 😵

Maybe if you look around the page you can find something to help get me out of this strange place! 🕵

...Signal Lost...

(Interesting Reads)
Fun Wikipedia Articles!

Trying to kill some time, but in a productive manner? Welcome to Wikipedia:Unusual articles! Fun facts, economics, complex mathematical theorems, You name it! Relax, and try some of this food for thought.


Lets see what you've got! You think you have what it takes to go against me at Codewars?? Only one way to find out! Click the link on the back of this card.

(Interesting Reads)
Fermi's Paradox

If I'm ever caught starring off into space I was probably day dreaming about this very subject. Fermi's Paradox. Never hear of it? Well, you're in for one heck of a ride. It is a logical answer to the question 'Are we alone in the universe?' Check it out!