Want to cook a new fun recipe but don't know where to get started? Or maybe you want a try a new fun drink? Never fear Recipe & Beverage Finder is here! With our web applictation you will be able to search through dozens of different fun Recipes or Beverages.
Welcome to the Forgotten Pages application! Make sure to sign up using a email, username, & password! After signing up feel free to create your very own DnD character! The user can create as many charaters as needed and can keep track of all characters using the dashboard. The user will have different options to choose from when creating a character. The only feilds that will be required to be filled in being: name, class, and background.
Restaurant Helper is a simple easy to use application that could help out a wide range of food vendors. Whether it be a food truck that needs help staying organized with their orders, or a small restaurant that doesn't want to spend big money on complex software. Our application is simple, easy to use, & FREE. We completed this appliction using MERN (Mongo, Express, React, Node).
Welcome to Minecraft made with React.js! Start playing this beta version of Minecraft now by visiting the repo in GitHub. The 0.0 beta version of React Minecraft lets players choose from five different cubes. Players are able to use dirt, grass, glass, wood, & logs at the moment with more textures soon to be added in later versions. Players also has the ability to save and reset their world using the localStorage.
Welcome to my first fully functional game, Shadow Perro! The goal for this game is to get a score of 40 before the timer hits 30 seconds. Becareful, you only have 3 lives! If you get hit you will be deducted 5 points and for every enemy you destroy you will recieve 1 point. Visit the GitHub repo to view the controls & play the game!
The raven game challenges players to clear all the ravens before any of them make it full length across the screen. If the player fails to clear a raven the game is automatically over and the player's score is displayed! I will post a snap shot of my highest score! Can you beat it?
Tech News Feed lets users login into their own profile so they can share tech articles, comment on other shared articles, and users also have the ability to upvote on articles they like.
Do you like battleship? If so, try out this battleship game I made & tell me what you think! See if you can sink all three ships with the least amount of guesses! Lets see what you got!
This game was created with pure javascript and offers mobile support! The concept of the game is fairly simple, jump over the enemies that approach the player to increase your score! Will be working on other versions of the game to make it more competitive for the player. Any help is always welcome, and if you would like to contribute to this game feel free to contact me via any of the links in the contact section.
This is just a quick appliction I wrote to help me better understand State Mangement with JavaScript. Hopefully this can give you a better understanding of animations with this small application. If you would like to go through the code or have any questions for me, feel free to dive in or ask away!
This is a complete MERN application I have built. Sign up & share your thoughts with the world! Currently looking into problem, but please visit my Repo & checkout the code!
Welcome to TaskMasterPro! Having trouble keeping up with your never ending tasks? Well fear no more! TaskMasterPro is a single page application built specifically for keeping track of your all your tasks. Add your tasks to the todos, in progress, in review, or done depending on what stage of the task you are on to help you stay organized.
This was my "Hello World" application. The first project that I put together using only HTML and CSS. Run Buddy is a website that offers amazing fitness training services.
Work Day Schedular will let you type out any tasks you have laid out throughout your day and depending on the time of day your tasks will change color green indicating future tasks left & red to indicate late or tasks in past time. Everything will save to localStorage so reload the page as much as you'd like!